Auf dem Internationalen Treffen im Dorf der Freundschaft im Oktober 2012 unterzeichneten die Teilnehmer einen Friedensappell, den
wir hier im Originaltext wiedergeben:
An Appeal for Peace from the International Committee of the Viet Nam Friendship Village
25 October 2012
Wars driven by financial greed have caused the loss of many lives and plunged millions of people into poverty and hunger. The International Committee for the Viet Nam Friendship Village appeals to all people to join hands to replace this inhumane exploitation with a dedication to peace and solidarity; and to replace hatred with friendship. Together we oppose all war. Here at Van Canh, we have built a Friendship Village for war victims. It is the fulfillment of a dream and desire of veterans to fight for peace. Today, in love and solidarity, we dream about a world at peace. Today we envision the world as a village. For the happiness of every child, let us join together to save that village!
Hier kann der Originaltext als PDF herunter geladen werden: An Appeal for Peace